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Statistics from sources such as the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University are showing that only 6% of all American adults have a biblical worldview. Among 18-29 year olds, that number drops to 2%. Furthermore, just 21% of those attending evangelical Protestant churches have a biblical worldview, with that number dropping to only 8% in mainline Protestant churches. This is within the church. This isn't surprising considering that in May 2022, the CRC released another study showing that only 37% of pastors hold a biblical worldview. (To learn more about what is meant by a biblical worldview in this research, this podcast is very helpful) Furthermore, other studies show that between 50-70% of youth are now walking away from their faith by the time they enter their early college years and often even long before then. Dr. George Barna, Director of the CRC, says, “Children look to their parents to give them truth principles and behavioral examples of how to live appropriately. Unfortunately, many parents get caught up in the turbulence and demands of daily life and lose sight of how biblical principles should inform their choices. Most born-again parents regularly attend church services but do not receive the kind of systematic and biblical equipping they so desperately need to guide their own lives and to help them develop their children into dynamic disciples of Jesus.” 


 At UNITED, we recognize that families are busy - stretched in all directions - between work, school, activities, and other demands in life. However, we also believe that the importance of cultivating a biblical worldview in the next generation cannot be overstated. We need to be equipping them not to be taken “captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy” as the secular world attracts them by telling them “what their itching ears want to hear” (Col 2:8 and 2 Tim 4:3). Our culture is in an identity crisis. Our teens need confidence in knowing that their identity is placed in and secured by Christ. They need to know what they believe, why they believe it, and why it matters.


Christians have always faced the challenge of remaining distinct from the world. However, secularism has never been as rampant in America as it is now. Rather than becoming discouraged, UNITED is responding with a call to action. We need a paradigm shift in our discipleship approach with the next generation. This is why we started UNITED. It is a humble response to a call from God to play a small role in filling this great need in His church.

Copyright © 2022 UNITED Next Gen Ministry
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